“Someone will say, ‘You have faith and I have works,’ Show me your faith apart from your works, and I by my works will show you my faith.” (James 2:18)
Thought for the Day:
I participate in a fantasy baseball league with other pastors for bragging rights in the conference. My problem… I forgot draft night this year… Granted, the computer managed to get me a decent starting lineup, but I have no depth. I have been scrambling ever since in an attempt to upgrade my roster.
It got me to thinking. I wonder how many times we have an opportunity to do something good for the Kingdom, but then we forget about it. Do you say, “Oh well!” and move on or do you scramble to make things right?
“Someone will say, ‘You have faith and I have works,’ Show me your faith apart from your works, and I by my works will show you my faith.” (James 2:18)
As much as God loves us and cares for us, we are given the opportunity to practice the grace that love and care provides. Are we scrambling to do the good works of piety for the Kingdom by focusing on reading, meditating and studying the scriptures; through prayer, fasting, regularly attending worship, and sharing our faith with others? Are we scrambling to do the good works of mercy which includes doing good works, visiting the sick and those in prison, feeding the hungry, and giving generously to the needs of others?
God understands that we aren’t perfect and forgetfulness isn’t the end of the world! God understands that our high hopes and best intentions aren’t always realized and God is there to make sure that, even in the midst of our own failures, we have decent chance at the great life God intends for us. But sometimes we are going to have to scramble. Living in faith requires our active participation. We mustn’t forget that we are to be the ones adding depth to our relationship with God.
May the depth of your relationship with God and others continue to develop, and through you, may the Kingdom grow for God.
Prayer: Dear God, please help guard me against any forgetfulness of faith. Amen.